Gavin James Campbell. Kimono: The Global Adventures of a Fashion Icon. Education About Asia. 2022. 27. 1. 49-54
Gavin James Campbell. Styling Hirohito: Modernity, Monarchy, and “Western Clothes” in Interwar Japan. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture. 2021. 25. 3. 1-27
Gavin James Campbell. “To Make the World One in Christ Jesus”: Transpacific Protestantism in the Age of Empire”. Pacific Historical Review. 2018. 87. 575-592
Gavin James Campbell. “The Transnational Turn in American Studies: A View from the Water”. 「同志社アメリカ研究」. 2017. 53号. 53. 85-97
Gavin James Campbell. "God and the Gorilla: Religion and Science at Niijima's Amherst". Niijima kenkyu. 2016. 107号. vol. 107. 37-53
“Cultures Colliding: American Missionaries, Chinese Resistance, and the Rise of Modern Institutions in China”. Pacific Historical Review. 2023. 92. 4. 661-662
Gavin James Campbell. Country Soul: Making Music and Making Race in the American South. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 2016. 103. 1. 277-277
Gavin James Campbell. Southern Civil Religions: Imagining the Good Society in the Post-Reconstruction Era. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 2012. 99. 3. 940-941
CAMPBELL Gavin. “Jim Crow’s Counterculture: The Blues and Black Southerners, 1890-1945”. The American Historical Review 116. 2011. 116. 5. 1515-1516
David Murray. Jim Crow's Counterculture: The Blues and Black Southerners, 1890-1945. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES. 2011. 45. 3. 1515-1516
"All Sharers in the Blessed Knowledge: Niijima Jo's Transpacific Crusade for a Christian Japan, 1871-73" in <i>Varieties of Southern Religious History: Essays in Honor of Donald G. Mathews</i>
<i></i>サウスカロライナ州立大学出版社 2015
“Toilets Tell Truth about People”: 150 Years of Plumbing for “Real Japan”in <i>The Paradox of Authenticity in a Globalized World</i>
Palgrave MacMillan 2014
“Mortification, Mockery and Dissembling: Western Adventures in Japanese Etiquette,”in <i>Manners and Mischief: Gender, Power, and Etiquette in Japan </i>
University of California Press 2011
Kyoto's Interwar Geiko/Maiko and Urban Amusements
(Asian Studies Conference Japan 2023)
Modern Girl, Modern Geisha: Interwar Popular Culture and the Geisha of Kyoto
(Modern Japan History Workshop 2022)
"The Charms of so useful a Garment": The Kimono in Western Fashion, 1600-1920
(Asian Studies Conference Japan 2022)
“The Plain Mr. in His Plain Dress,”: Diplomatic Uniforms in the Early Republic
(Australia and New Zealand American Studies Association Annual Conference 2021)
“Music and the Making of the New South,”
(Invited Lecture, California State University, Chico 2021)