Shinji Yoshikawa, Lih-Geeng Chen, Morio Yoshimura, Yoshiaki Amakura, Tsutomu Hatano, Shoko Taniguchi. Barricyclin D1-a dimeric ellagitannin with a macrocyclic structure-and accompanying tannins from Barringtonia racemosa. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. 2021. 85. 7. 1609-1620
Atsumi Miyazaki, Eerdunbayaer, Tsugumi Shiokawa, Hiroko Tada, Yunhe Lian, Shoko Taniguchi, Tsutomu Hatano. High-performance liquid chromatographic profile and 1H quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance analyses for quality control of a Xinjiang licorice extract. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. 2020. 84. 10. 2128-2138
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Tsutomu Hatano, Mutsumi Oshima, Hiroe Aoyama, Yuuki Shimozu, Shoko Taniguchi, Takanori Miura. Uncariagambiriines B and C, Alkaloid-Catechin Hybrids from Uncaria gambir Leaves. HETEROCYCLES. 2019. 98. 6. 804-804
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Effects of natural polyphenols on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in relation to their chemical and physical properties
Nova Science 2008
講演・口頭発表等 (57件):
Tannins of Tamarix Plants: Strucutures of New Ellagitannins, Cytotoxicity of Tamarix Tannins, and Accumulation of Tannins in Cultured Shoots
(第52回天然物討論会(静岡) 2010)