Considerations of Expressions for Inalienable Possession. Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkai-Gakuen University. 2004. 31. 135-146
Effectiveness of Automatic Extraction of Bilingual Collocations Using Recursive Chain-link-type Learning (Collaboration). Procedings of MT Summit IX. 2003
Human Natural Language Processing (Collaboration)
Saiensu-sha 1994
認知科学入門 (共著)
サイエンス社 1986
An Introduction to Cognitive Science (Collaboration)
Saiensu-sha 1986
Works (6件):
2003 - 2004
Advanced improvements of vision, image, speech and language information processing and the application to the technologies for the intelligent instrument and control
2003 - 2004
1998 - 2002
Research and Development of Integrated Information Processing Techniques for Intelligent Image and Language Information Processing Systems
1998 - 2002