Hitoshi Kitahara, Yukihiro Nagatani, Hideji Otani, Ryohei Nakayama, Yukako Kida, Akinaga Sonoda, Yoshiyuki Watanabe. A novel strategy to develop deep learning for image super-resolution using original ultra-high-resolution computed tomography images of lung as training dataset. Japanese journal of radiology. 2021. 40. 1. 38-47
Akitoshi Inoue, Kentaro Itabashi, Takayasu Iwai, Hitoshi Kitahara, Yoshiyuki Watanabe. Imaging findings of vitamin deficiencies: are they forgotten diseases?. BJR open. 2021. 3. 1. 20210011-20210011
Ali Haidar Syaifullah, Akihiko Shiino, Hitoshi Kitahara, Ryuta Ito, Manabu Ishida, Kenji Tanigaki. Machine Learning for Diagnosis of AD and Prediction of MCI Progression From Brain MRI Using Brain Anatomical Analysis Using Diffeomorphic Deformation. Frontiers in neurology. 2020. 11. 576029-576029