研究キーワード (12件):
, Operation
, Breast canser
, Breast Surgery
, Respiratory Surgery
, Thoracic Surgery
, 診断
, 手術
, 乳癌
, 乳腺外科学
, 呼吸器外科学
, 胸部外科学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
1997 - 2002 乳癌の微小転移に関する研究
Hormone-dependent growth and prognostic factor of breast cancer
Lung cancer spread and biologic factors
MISC (20件):
Preoperative evidence of circulating tumar cells by RT-PCR for CEA mRNA is an independent predictor of survival in NSCLS. J Thorac Cardiovase Surg. 2002. 299-305
Preoperative evidence of circulating tumar cells by RT-PCR for CEA mRNA is an independent predictor of survival in NSCLS. J Thorac Cardiovase Surg. 2002. 299-305