J-GLOBAL ID:200901088183345551   更新日: 2011年02月22日

島地 英夫

シマジ ヒデオ | Shimaji Hideo
職名: 副参事研究員
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
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MISC (6件):
  • Simulation model to estimate flesh mass of plant Mathematical and control applications agriculture and horticulture. Proceedings of the IFAC/ISHS workshop (Oct. 1991)
  • Internal plant-water status and its control measurement of plant water status. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology Vol.32, pp.67-71 (in Japanese) (July 1976)
  • Greenhouse environmental control system with crop model and an exert system. Act Horticulture Vol.230, pp.229-226 (May 1988)
  • Simulation model to estimate flesh mass of plant Mathematical and control applications agriculture and horticulture. Proceedings of the IFAC/ISHS workshop (Oct. 1991)
  • Internal plant-water status and its control measurement of plant water status. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology Vol.32, pp.67-71 (in Japanese) (July 1976)
所属学会 (3件):
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers ,  The Society of Agriculture Meteorology of Japan ,  Japanese Society of Environment-control in Biology
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