Contemporary management of a perforated mandibular first molar by a multidisciplinary approach: report of a case with 7-year follow-up.
(17th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology 2015)
(日本外傷歯学会認定医セミナー 2014)
Developmental disturbance of a mandibular central incisor following trauma to the primary dedecessor
, 日本歯周病学会
, 日本口腔インプラント学会
, 日本歯科薬物療法学会
, 日本レーザー歯学会
, International Academyof Periodontology
, International Association for Dental Research
, 日本免疫学会
, 全国歯科衛生士教育協議会