- 2004 - 2005 Digital Contents for Children of Foreigners of Japanese Ancestry Development of Science Materials and their Educational effects
- 2003 - 2005 在留海外子女のためのデジタル理科教材の開発
- 2000 - 2003 ペルー遠隔中学校におけるテレビ教材の効果調査
- 2000 - 2003 The Effects of TV Materials in Distanes-Learning in Secondory Schools in Peru
- アメリカにおける公共(教育)放送の発達
- 遠隔教育による教師教育の国際比較〜放送の役割を中心に〜
- 教育用のマルチメデイア教材の開発とその教育効果
- The Development of Public (Educational) Broadcasting in the United States
- Comparative Research on Distance Education for Teacher Training-Focusing in the Roles of Broadcasting-
- The Development of Multimedia Materials for Engineering Education