J-GLOBAL ID:200901089910364757   更新日: 2022年08月27日


ロボアム ティエリ | Thierry Robouam
研究分野 (1件): 宗教学
研究キーワード (14件): 聖伝 ,  比較伝 ,  密教 ,  万葉集 ,  イエス ,  響 ,  詩学 ,  釈迦牟尼 ,  スリランカ ,  詩 ,  仏教 ,  キリスト教 ,  高野山真言宗 ,  音
論文 (7件):
  • Thierry Robouam. "Zen no Kokoro wo Michibiku Fugai" (How the Pure Heart is Framed by Non-violence). Jochidaigaku Kirisutokyo Bunka Kenkyusho Kiyo. 2014. 33. 19-16
  • ROBOUAM THIERRY. Silk Road Rhythms and Religious Geographies: Loci for a Study of Religion. THE JAPAN MISSION JOURNAL. 2011. 65. 4
  • ROBOUAM THIERRY. Un je ne sais quoi gone with the Wind:Philosophical Anthropology. Sophia International Review. 2010. 32. 33-50
  • ROBOUAM THIERRY. Heterodox and Nomadic Speech: A Catholic Priest Teaching Buddhism in Japan. Proceedings of the Conference on Local Ecclesiologies in Dialogue (Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley). 2009
  • ROBOUAM THIERRY. (辯顯密二教論) (仏教的共生への招き). 共生学. 2009. [1]. 1-23
MISC (2件):
  • Thierry Robouam. Review of Michael Radish "How Ajatasatru Was Reformed: The Domestication of Ajase and Stories in Buddhist History. Monumenta Nipponica. 2013. 68. 1. 99-101
  • Thierry Robouam. Review of Elizabeth J. Harris "Buddhism for a Violent World: A Christian Reflection". Dialogue. 2010. 37. 162-166
書籍 (9件):
  • "An introduction to the Daily Ritual of Shingon Devotees" in Buddha & Jesus
    Tulana Jubilee Publications 2015
  • "Entrebailler la Prote d'un Temple"
    Passages d'encres, Soleil Levants 2014
  • The Life-Long Spiritual Journey of an Apprentice Japanese Bonze: Awakening to a New Worldview by fulfilling the One-thousand Days Trekking Practice on Mt. Omine
  • "A Catholic Priest Teaching Buddhism in Japan" in Many Tongues, One Spirit: Local Ecclesiologies in Dialogue.
    Solstice Press 2013 ISBN:9781467568081
  • Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia. The Role of Esoteric Buddhism in Contemporary Japan: Whether Esotericism Appears or Remains Concealed in the World Depends on the Trend of the times."
    Koninklijke Brill NV 2011 ISBN:9789004184916
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
  • "Aida to iu Kyodotai no Basho" ("In-between" as Communal Territory).
    (Symposium on "Shukyo no Chikara to Atarashi Kizuna: Shukyo to Shukyogaku no kanosei wo Tou" 2015)
  • "Aratana Shukyokan wo Motarasu, supirichuaru kea: Sozo to Moso no bunbetsu" (Spiritual Care as a New Approach to Religion: Discerning Between Imagination and Delusion).
    (Seventh Japanese Spiritual Care Association Conference 2014)
  • Response to Okawa Eiji "Koyasan Monasteries in the Late 16th and 17th Centuries."
    (The Eighteenth Asian Studies Conference 2014)
  • "Global Challenges to the Maintenance of Peace and Harmony in Society"
    (Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies (SLABS), 5th International Conference 2013)
  • From Peace Studies to the Study of Non-Violence
    (Symposium on Religion and Peace. 2013)
学位 (3件):
  • 学士(神学) (上智大学)
  • 修士(神学) (上智大学)
  • 博士(神学) (バークリーイエズス会神学校)
所属学会 (2件):
密教学会 ,  Japanese Theological Association
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