J-GLOBAL ID:200901089910364757
更新日: 2022年08月27日
ロボアム ティエリ | Thierry Robouam
研究キーワード (14件):
, 比較伝
, 密教
, 万葉集
, イエス
, 響
, 詩学
, 釈迦牟尼
, スリランカ
, 詩
, 仏教
, キリスト教
, 高野山真言宗
, 音
論文 (7件):
Thierry Robouam. "Zen no Kokoro wo Michibiku Fugai" (How the Pure Heart is Framed by Non-violence). Jochidaigaku Kirisutokyo Bunka Kenkyusho Kiyo. 2014. 33. 19-16
ROBOUAM THIERRY. Silk Road Rhythms and Religious Geographies: Loci for a Study of Religion. THE JAPAN MISSION JOURNAL. 2011. 65. 4
ROBOUAM THIERRY. Un je ne sais quoi gone with the Wind:Philosophical Anthropology. Sophia International Review. 2010. 32. 33-50
ROBOUAM THIERRY. Heterodox and Nomadic Speech: A Catholic Priest Teaching Buddhism in Japan. Proceedings of the Conference on Local Ecclesiologies in Dialogue (Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley). 2009
ROBOUAM THIERRY. (辯顯密二教論) (仏教的共生への招き). 共生学. 2009. [1]. 1-23
MISC (2件):
Thierry Robouam. Review of Michael Radish "How Ajatasatru Was Reformed: The Domestication of Ajase and Stories in Buddhist History. Monumenta Nipponica. 2013. 68. 1. 99-101
Thierry Robouam. Review of Elizabeth J. Harris "Buddhism for a Violent World: A Christian Reflection". Dialogue. 2010. 37. 162-166
書籍 (9件):
"An introduction to the Daily Ritual of Shingon Devotees" in Buddha & Jesus
Tulana Jubilee Publications 2015
"Entrebailler la Prote d'un Temple"
Passages d'encres, Soleil Levants 2014
The Life-Long Spiritual Journey of an Apprentice Japanese Bonze: Awakening to a New Worldview by fulfilling the One-thousand Days Trekking Practice on Mt. Omine
"A Catholic Priest Teaching Buddhism in Japan" in Many Tongues, One Spirit: Local Ecclesiologies in Dialogue.
Solstice Press 2013 ISBN:9781467568081
Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia. The Role of Esoteric Buddhism in Contemporary Japan: Whether Esotericism Appears or Remains Concealed in the World Depends on the Trend of the times."
Koninklijke Brill NV 2011 ISBN:9789004184916
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
"Aida to iu Kyodotai no Basho" ("In-between" as Communal Territory).
(Symposium on "Shukyo no Chikara to Atarashi Kizuna: Shukyo to Shukyogaku no kanosei wo Tou" 2015)
"Aratana Shukyokan wo Motarasu, supirichuaru kea: Sozo to Moso no bunbetsu" (Spiritual Care as a New Approach to Religion: Discerning Between Imagination and Delusion).
(Seventh Japanese Spiritual Care Association Conference 2014)
Response to Okawa Eiji "Koyasan Monasteries in the Late 16th and 17th Centuries."
(The Eighteenth Asian Studies Conference 2014)
"Global Challenges to the Maintenance of Peace and Harmony in Society"
(Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies (SLABS), 5th International Conference 2013)
From Peace Studies to the Study of Non-Violence
(Symposium on Religion and Peace. 2013)
学位 (3件):
- 学士(神学) (上智大学)
- 修士(神学) (上智大学)
- 博士(神学) (バークリーイエズス会神学校)
所属学会 (2件):
, Japanese Theological Association