- 2023/10 - China Agricultural Economic Review Highly Recommended Paper Unobservable Land Value in Rural China and Its Microeconomic Implication on Land Lease Behavior
- 2023/03 - Asian Society of Agricultural Economists Best Paper Award Role of Community Participation in Mangrove Restoration: The Evidence from Northern Sri Lanka
- 2013/03 - 日本農業経済学会 学会誌賞 Shock and Livestock Transactions in Rural Zambia: a Re-examination of the Buffer Stock Hypothesis
- 2012/08 - World Water Week Best Poster Award Building farmers' resilience to food insecurity in Southern Zambia under rainfall variability
- 2012/03 - 日本農業経済学会 ポスター賞 誰が天候インデックス保険を購入するのか-ザンビア農村における販売実験-
- 2007/03 - 日本農業経済学会 学会誌賞 西アフリカにおける低湿地の土地所有制度と水管理技術への投資
- 2006/10 - 国際農業経済学会日本支部 JB賞
- 1995 - Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan Stata University Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Essays on Uncertainty and Sustainability in the Semi-Arid Tropics