- 高次脳機能障害の分子基盤解明と治療法開発
- 注意欠陥/多動性障害の日本における疫学調査と支援
- Rett症候群の病因
- Rett症候群動物モデル(Mecp-2 null mutation mouse)の生化学および
- 発達障害モデル動物の遺伝子治療、再生医学
- Rett症候群の神経生化学
- Epidemiological study of attention deficit hyperactivity disordre and establishmentt of supportive system
- Neuropathological and neurochmical study of Rett syndrome
- Neurochemical study and gene therapy for Mecp-2 null mutation mouse-a mdel for Rett syndrome
- Pathophysiology of cerebral ishemic disorder in the developing brain
- How to establish the total care system for high risk neonate.
- Pathophysiology of Rett syndrome