1991 - Studies on the rapid identification of phytopathogenic bacteria
1983 - 植物病原糸状菌および細菌に対する拮抗微生物に関する研究
1983 - Studies on the antagonists against phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria
1971 - 植物の病害抵抗性機構に関する研究
1971 - Studies on the mechanism of resistance to phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria
MISC (46件):
Rapid identification of Phytopathogenic Bacteria by an improved extraction-TLC Method. Proceeding of 8th international congress of plant pathology (ICPP). 2003. 96
Rapid identification of Phytopathogenic Bacteria by an improved Extraction-TLC Method. Proceeding of 8th international congress of plant pathology (ICPP). 2003. 96