Saga University
Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
研究分野 (1件):
研究キーワード (3件):
, メルケル細胞
, Merkel cell
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
Biology of Merkel cell and Merkel cell carcinoma
MISC (3件):
Cytokeratin polypeptide profile of Merkel cells in human fetal and adult skin : Difference of expression of cytokeratins in epidermel and desmal Merkel cells. J Invest Dermatology. 1992. 98
Biological Significance of desmel Merkel cells in development of cutaneous neves in human fetal skin. J Histochem Cytochem. 1992. 40. 1
Immunohistochemical demonstration of nerve-Merkel cell complex in fetal human skin. Journal of Dermatological Sci. 1991. 2