佐藤 孝夫. ユリ無花粉品種の雄ずいの形状で異なる無花粉特性 (特集 産業化が進む花きの新品種開発)-Different characteristics of pollenless according to the shape of stamen with pollenless in the variety of Lily. JATAFFジャーナル = JATAFF journal : 農林水産技術. 2021. 9. 11. 24-28
佐藤, 孝夫. 交配後の笑気ガス処理による四倍体シンテッポウユリの作出. 秋田県農業試験場研究報告 = Bulletin of the Akita Agricultural Experiment Station. 2015. 55. 60-65
Induction of 2n gametes and 4n embryo in Lilium(Lilium×formolomgi hort.) by nitrous oxide gas treatment
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Thermosensitivity of the restoration of male fertility and genotypic differences in the formation of aberrant filaments and pistils among three male-sterile cultivars of Asatic hybrid lily
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