研究キーワード (6件):
, サイトカインと炎症
, 細胞内寄生菌の感染と免疫
, Pathogenesis of enterohemorrhagic E. coli
, Cytokines and Intlammation
, Infection and Immunity of Intracellular pathogens
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
Antitumor effects of macrolides
Pathogenesis of Stx - producing Escherichia coli infection
Mechanisms of maintenance of protective immunity conterred by intracellular pathogens
MISC (97件):
Watanabe H. , Matsuoka K. , Kita E. ,(他8名、3番目). Oral therapeutic agents with higtly clustered globothriose for treatment of Shiga toxigenic Eschericia coli infections. J. Infest. Dis. 2004. 188;360-368
Okayama A, Mikasa K, Matsui N, Higashi N, Kita E. An interventional approach to block the brain damage by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli with a combination of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. J. Infect. Dis. 2004
Mikasa K. Kasahara K. Kita E. Modulation of respiratory inflammation and defense by macrolides. In: Antibiotics as Anti-Inflammatories (eds. by B. K. Rubin&J. Tamaoki) BioSciences, Birkhaeuser Publishing Ltd. Basel, Switzerland. 2004. p. 87-100