Research on distribution and management strategies which distributors and retailers would take in order to keep up with changes in a consumptive structure
Research on how to make food distribution more efficiet in developing countries
Research on changes in social structures and eating habits
MISC (16件):
The development of business that direct from the farm, build up commercial brands of district of daily Bull. Report of animal husbandry. 2002. 150
Empirical Research on the Distribution of Variety Meats and on the Functions and Roles of Carriers. Agricultural Economic Studies. 2002. 24
乳用肥育おす牛の産地ブランド化と産直取引への取り組み. 畜産の情報. 2002. 150
畜産副産物の流通実態と担い手の機能と役割に関する実証的研究. 農政経済研究. 2002. 第24集
The development of business that direct from the farm, build up commercial brands of district of daily Bull. Report of animal husbandry. 2002. 150