研究キーワード (6件):
, がん研究
, 呼吸器内科学
, Public Health and Health Science
, Cancer Studies
, Internal Medicine Respiratory System
競争的資金等の研究課題 (10件):
Prevention of lung cancer
Early detection of cancer
Significauce of auti tumor suppressor gene antibody in lung cancer
Gene Therapy for Lung Cancer with Tumor Suppressor Gene
High Dose Chemotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer Supported by Peripheral Blood Stem Cells
MISC (73件):
Hirota T, Ieiri I, Takane H, Sano H, Kawamoto K, Aono H, Yamasaki A, Takeuchi H, Masada M, Shimizu E, Higuchi S, Otsubo k. Sequence variability and candidate gene analysis in two cancer patients with complex clinical outcomes during morphine therapy. Drug Metab Dispos. 2003. 31. 5. 677-680
Burioka N, Cornelissen G, Halberg F, Kaplan DT, Suyama H, Sako T, Shimizu E. Approximate entropy of human respiratory movement during eye-closed waking and different sleep stages. Chest. 2003. 123. 80-86
Yamasaki A, Tomita K, Sano H, Watanabe M, Makino H, Kurai J, Hitsuda Y, Shimizu E. Measuring of subepithelial thickness using endobronchial ultrasonography in patient with Asthma. Lung. 2003. 181. 115-120
Igishi T, Hitsuda Y, Kato K, Sako T, Burioka N, Yasuda K, Sano H, Shigeoka Y,nakanishi H, Shimizu E. Eleveted urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, a biomarker of oxidative stress, and lack of association with antioxidant vitamins in chronic obstructive pul・・・. Respirology. 2003. 8. 455-460
Igishi T, Mikami M, Murakami K, Matsumoto S, Shigeoka Y, Nakanishi H, Yasuda K, Gutkind JS, Hitsuda Y, Shimizu E. Enhancement of cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity by ROCK inhibitor through suppression of focal adhesion kinase-independent mechanism in lung・・・. Int J Oncol. 2003. 23. 4. 1079-1085