2001 - Superconductivity in Strongly-correlated Electron System
1996 - 1997 量子スピン系の選択的磁気希釈に関する研究
1996 - Ferromagnetism in Strongly-correlated Electron System
Ferromagnetism in itinerant electron systems
論文 (23件):
Hosho Katsura, Naoki Kawashima, Satoshi Morita, Akinori Tanaka, Hal Tasaki. Mott-insulator-like Bose-Einstein condensation in a tight-binding system of interacting bosons with a flat band. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH. 2021. 3. 33190
Akinori Tanaka. An Extension of the Cell-Construction Method for the Flat-Band Ferromagnetism. Journal of Statistical Physics. 2020. 181. 3. 897-916
Akinori Tanaka. Ferromagnetism in the Hubbard Model with a Gapless Nearly-Flat Band. Journal of Statistical Physics. 2018. 170. 2. 399-420