- 2001 - 上伊那地域在住外国人のヘルスニーズ
- 2001 - 日本におけるナーシング・アドボカシー
- 2000 - バングラデシュ母子病院における看護補助要員のエンパワーメント
- 2000 - Empowering Nurses Assistants of Mother and Child Hospital in Urban Bangladesh
- 在日外国人への保健サービス:自治体・市民(NGO)・企業間の協力
- 日本における国際看護学・異文化看護学教育教材の開発
- Improving Health Services of Ethinic Minorities in Community: Seeking How to Collaborate among NGOs, Local Government Office and Industries.
- Developing a textbook, teaching materials & methods for teaching "International Nursing & Transcultural Nursing" for Japanese nurses & nursing students
- Health Needs of Foreign Residents in Kamiina Region
- Nursing Advocacy in Japan