Kazuhiko Konishi, Hsuan-Pu Chen, Nhi Thi Pham. A taxonomic review of the genus Netelia, subgenus Monomacrodon (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Tryphoninae), with description of a new species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2022. 70. 376-384
NHI THI PHAM, HSUAN-PU CHEN, KAZUHIKO KONISHI. Notes on the genus Netelia, subgenus Parabates (Ichneumonidae, Tryphoninae), with description of a new species from Oriental Region. Zootaxa. 2021. 4974. 3. 577-584
Namiki Kikuchi, Kazuhiko Konishi. A taxonomic revision of the genus Linycus Cameron, 1903 from Japan. Zootaxa. 2021. 4948. 4. 546-558
Keita Kuroda, Kazuhiko Konishi, Giuseppe Fabrizio Turrisi, Junsuke Yamasako. A revisional study of the genus Aulacus Jurine (Hymenoptera: Aulacidae) of Japan. Zootaxa. 2020. 4830. 1. 161-185