Ryo Yamashita, Shinji Sato, Yasutomo Sakai, Kotaro Tamari, Akira Nozuhara, Tomonori Kanazawa, Shigeki Tsuzuku, Yoshinori Yamanouchi, Shinsuke Hanatani, Taishi Nakamura, et al. Effects of small community walking intervention on physical activity, well-being, and social capital among older patients with cardiovascular disease in the maintenance phase: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of physical therapy science. 2024. 36. 3. 128-135
Tetsuya Amano, Kotaro Tamari. Derivation of a screening tool for predicting the risk of falls in community-dwelling older adults with knee osteoarthritis. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 2022. 45. 4. 336-342
Tetsuya Amano, Kotaro Tamari, Nobuharu Suzuki. Cross-Validation of a Screening Tool to Distinguish Between Fallers and Nonfallers in Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2021. 102. 4. 598-603
伊藤 秀幸, 市原 清志, 玉利 光太郎, 天野 徹哉, 田中 繁治, 内田 茂博, 森川 真也. 人工膝関節置換術前後における膝筋力と膝関節可動域の変化量に影響する要因分析-Analysis of factors that affect changes in knee muscle strength and range of motion before and after knee arthroplasty. 宝塚医療大学紀要 = Proceedings of Takarazuka University of Medical and Health Care. 2021. 7. 33-41,43
The Airway Occlusion Pressure During Upper Extremity Exercise in Healthy Adults: Differences between Supported and Unsupported Arm Exercise
(Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association 2013)
Evaluation of the Inter-rater Reliability of a Modified Gait Abnormality Rating Scale for Elderly Individuals in Japan Using Video Monitoring
(Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association 2013)