研究キーワード (3件):
, 英語
, English Language and Literature
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
1993 - 十七、十八世紀英文学
1993 - English Literature in 17th and 18th century
MISC (28件):
佐藤 豊. Reading The Duke of Guise written by John Dryden and Nathaniel Lee - A Literary Work where Two Big Parties Stand in Opposition-. 青森大学・青森短期大学研究紀要. 2009. 32. 1. 31-49
Yutaka Sato. Reading The Duke of Guise written by John Dryden and Nathaniel Lee - A Literary Work where Two Big Parties Stand in Opposition-. Journal of Aomori University and Aomori Junior College. 2009. 32. 1. 31-49
J.G. Lock hart, The Life of Sir Walter Scott (A Translation of the Life of Sir Walter Scott from chapter 10 to chapter 13)
Sairyusha publishing company 2001
講演・口頭発表等 (18件):
(日本比較文化学会東北大会(弘前学院大学) 2009)
Dryden and Physico-Theology
(The Study Meeting of Tohoku branch ( The Japan Association of Comparative Culture: Hirosakigakuin University ) 2009)
Reading The Duke of Guise written by Dryden and Lee
(The Study Meeting of Tohoku and Kanto branch ( The Japan Association of Comparative Culture: Hirosakigakuin University ) 2008)