J-GLOBAL ID:200901099528742720   更新日: 2008年01月17日

中杉 修身

ナカスギ オサミ | Nakasugi Osami
職名: センター長
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 有害物質による地下水汚染の制御研究 有害廃棄物のリスクマネジメントに対するモニタリングシステム研究 有害化学物質のリスクマネジメントの研究
  • Studies on control of Groundwater Contaminated with Toxic Compounds Studies on Monitoring Systems for risk Management of Hazardous Wastes Studies on Risk Management of hazardous Chemical Substances
MISC (6件):
  • Surface Soil Gas Survey for Identifying Pollutant Source and Existing Form of Organochlorines in Subsurface Environment. IAH Selected Paper, No. 4, pp. 39-49 (1994)
  • Risk Management of Environmental Contamination by Unregulated Chemical Substances Discharged from Waste Landfill sites. Haikibutu Gakkaishi (Waste Management Research) Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 10-16 (in Japanese) (1993)
  • Groundwater Pollution by Volatile Organochlorines in Japan and Related Phenomena in the Subsurface Environment. Water Science and Technologies Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 9-16 (1992)
  • Surface Soil Gas Survey for Identifying Pollutant Source and Existing Form of Organochlorines in Subsurface Environment. IAH Selected Paper, No. 4, pp. 39-49 (1994)
  • Risk Management of Environmental Contamination by Unregulated Chemical Substances Discharged from Waste Landfill sites. Haikibutu Gakkaishi (Waste Management Research) Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 10-16 (in Japanese) (1993)
学位 (1件):
  • 工学博士
所属学会 (4件):
The Society for Risk Analysis Japan-Section ,  The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts ,  Society of Environmental Science, Japan ,  International Association on Water Quality
※ J-GLOBALの研究者情報は、researchmapの登録情報に基づき表示しています。 登録・更新については、こちらをご覧ください。
