特集:最近の制御理論とその応用 ますます実用が広がる現代制御理論 IV. 応用 第1章 電動機およびロボットの制御
Special issue on recent control theories and their applications. Increasing practical applications of modern control theories. IV. Applications. 1. Advanced control of electrical drives and robots.
(2) R. P. Paul: Robot manipulators (1981) The MIT Press
(3) M. Nakao, et al.:"A Robust Decentralized Joint Control Based on Interference Estimation", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, Vol. 1, p. 326(1987)
(4) K. Ohnishi, et al.:"Applications of Advanced Control Techniques in Electrical Drives "Int'l Workshop on Microcomputer Control of Electrical Drives, Trieste Italy (1989)