Studies on the lung disease due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria in Japan (Report of the year 1983 of the mycobacteriosis research group of the Japanese National Chest Hospitals.
1) The Co-operative Study Group of the Japa nese National Sanatoria on Atypical Myco bacteria: A study on the frequency of “atypical” mycobacteria in Japanese national sanatoria, Tubercle, 51: 270-279, 1970.
3) The Mycobacteriosis Research Group of the Japanese National Chest Hospitals: Rapid increase of the incidence of lung disease due to Mycobacterium kansasii in Japan, Chest, 83: 890-892, 1983.
4) Tsukamura, M.: Atypical mycobacterioses, some aspects viewed from observation of Japanese patients, in “La Tubercolosi Oggi, a 100 Anni dalla Scopert a. di Roberto Koch”, Edited by. A. Blasi, D. Olivieri, A. Pezza, and S. A. Marsico, p.211-222, Archivio Monaldi per la Tisiologia e le Malattie dell' Apparato Respiratorio, Napoli, 1982.