1) T.B. Sheridan and W.L. Verplank: Human and Computer Control of Undersea Teleoperators, Man-Machine Systems Laboratory Report, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1978)
2) W.R. Ferrell and T.B. Sheridan: Supervisory Control of Remote Manipulation, IEEE Spectrum, 4-105 81/88 (1969)
3) T.L. Brooks and T.B. Sheridan: SUPERMAN: A System for Supervisory Manipulation and the Study of Human/Computer Interactions, MIT Sea Grant Program, MITSG-79-20, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1979)
4) D.E. Whitney: Resolved Motion Rate Control of Manipulators and Human Prostheses, IEEE Trans. on Man-Machine Systems, MMS-10-2, 47/53 (1969)