J-GLOBAL ID:200902130779850997   整理番号:97A0824376


A Study on Bone Density and Lifestyles of High School Girls.
著者 (3件):
巻: 52  号:ページ: 481-489  発行年: 1997年07月 
JST資料番号: F0882A  ISSN: 0021-5082  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: 日本 (JPN)  言語: 日本語 (JA)
引用文献 (16件):
  • 1) Yamazaki K, Kushida K, Ohmura A, Sano M, Inoue T. Ultrasound bone densitometry of the os calcis in Japanese women. Osteoporosis International 1994; 4:220-5.
  • 2) Akisaka M, Suzuki M. Achieving a welladjusted centenarian lifestyle to obtain disability-free conditions for the aged. The 5th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontlogy, Symposium, proceedings 1995; 435-7.
  • 3) Akisaka M, Asato L, Suzuki M. A study on bone-density and healthy lifestyle in Okinawan Centenarians. The 25th APACPH International Symposium on Care for the Elderly, proceedings 1995; 169-73.
  • 4) 秋坂真史.気がつけば百歳-南の島沖縄の健康長寿から学ぶこと-.東京:大修館書店,1995: 229.
  • 5) Akisaka M, Asato L, Suzuki M, Iwamasa T, Yamamoto S. Relationship between bonedensity and nutrients intakes of Okinawan Centenarians. Osteoporosis Japan 1996; 4:397-403.
タイトルに関連する用語 (4件):
