2) ACRL Scholarly Communications Committee. “Principles and strategies for the reform of scholarly communication. ”approved by ACRL Board of Directors on Jtlne 24,2003 at the American Libraries Association (ALA) Annual Conference. ‹http://www.ala.org/ala/ acrl/acrlpubs/whitepapers/principlesstrat egies.htm›
3) ARL. “Framing the issue open access.”available from‹http://www.arl.org/scomm/open_access/framing.html›, (accessed 2004-2-28; last modifications then cited 2004-2-26).
4) Berlin Declaration. available from ‹http:// www.zimmpg.de/openaccess-berlin/berlinde claration.html›, (accessed 2004-2-28; last modifications then cited 2004-2-23).
5) Bethesda Principles. available from‹http:// fos.openlib.org/bethesda.htm›