J-GLOBAL ID:201001001847649599
更新日: 2024年08月19日
タセロン マイケル
タセロン マイケル | Tasseron Michael
研究キーワード (1件):
Visual communication, Multimodal communication, Conflict and the media, Digital media, Journalistic cultures, environmental journalism
論文 (15件):
Michael Tasseron. Mitigating Risks to Journalists in the 2014 Gaza War. Journalism Studies. 2023. 24. 7. 976-989
Michael Tasseron. A multimodal critical discourse analysis of a Japanese Self-Defense Forces recruitment brochure. Critical Military Studies. 2022. 9. 3. 425-441
Michael Tasseron. Reporting Under the Microscope in Israel-Palestine and South Africa. Journalism Practice. 2021. 17. 5. 970-990
Michael Tasseron. The semiotics of visual and textual legitimacy in the 2014 Gaza war. Social Semiotics. 2021. 33. 3. 580-600
Michael Tasseron. Localising the Reporting of the 2014 Gaza War by the South African Press. African Journalism Studies. 2020. 41. 2. 49-65
書籍 (2件):
Protest Images of the 2014 Gaza War in the South African Media. In: A. Veneti and M. Rovisco, eds. Visual Politics in the Global South
Palgrave Macmillan 2023 ISBN:9783031227820
How teachers use the global ELT coursebook. In: Masuhara, H., Mishan, F. and Tomlinson, B. eds. Practice and Theory for Materials Development in L2 Learning
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017 ISBN:9781443899871
講演・口頭発表等 (6件):
Dominating the information sphere through violence and scrutiny in the 2014 Gaza war
(IAMCR Madrid 2019, Madrid: Complutense University of Madrid 2019)
The perspectives of the British and South African media contexts on the coverage of the 2014 Gaza war
(69th Annual ICA Conference, 24-28 May. Washington, D.C.: Washington Hilton Hotel 2019)
A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the 2014 Israeli attack on Gaza
(Spaces of War, War of Spaces: 10th Anniversary Conference for Media, War and Conflict Journal. Florence: Accademia Europea di Firenze 2018)
Exploring learner identities on a G30 course
(40th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, Tsukuba International Conference Center 2014)
Learner perceptions of the effects of pedagogical materials
(3rd UAD TEFL International Conference, Yogyakarta: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia 2014)
学歴 (4件):
- - 2020 University of Leeds School of Media and Communication
- - 2013 University of Leicester Department of English
- - 2004 University of the Witwatersrand Faculty of Humanities
- - 2003 University of South Africa Faculty of Humanities
学位 (4件):
- Bachelor of Arts (University of South Africa)
- Bachelor of Arts Honours (University of the Witwatersrand)
- Master of Arts (University of Leicester)
- PhD (University of Leeds)
所属学会 (3件):
International Communication Association
, International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
, International Communication Association