J-GLOBAL ID:201001002271761653   更新日: 2015年12月03日

HOMAN M Robert

M ホーマン ロバート | M HOMAN Robert
論文 (7件):
  • “Cooperative Learning, Motivation, and Expectations.”. The Language Teacher. 1999. 23. 6. 23-24
  • Robert M. Homan, Christopher Jon Poel. “Developing Interactive Group Skills through Cooperative Learning.”. JALT Applied Materials: Cooperative Learning. 1999. 126-144
  • Robert M. Homan, Christopher Jon Poel. “Methods for the ‘Research Challenged”. Classroom Teachers and Classroom Research. 1997. 71-84
  • Robert M. Homan, Christopher Jon Poel. "Task on Task". Guidelines (Singapore: RELC). 1994. 16. 1. 1-13
  • “Poetry Awareness in the Speaking Class: A Sample Lesson.". Guidelines. (Singapore RELC). 1994. 16. 2. 112-123
学位 (2件):
  • B.A. (University of California San Diego)
  • M.A. (Temple University)
経歴 (1件):
  • 国際基督教大学 教養学部 リベラルアーツ英語プログラム 講師(課程准教授)
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