Good Earths: Regional and Historical Insights into China's Environment
Kyoto University Press 2009 ISBN:9781920901356
Environmental Management, Poverty Reduction, and Sustainable Regional Development
Greenwood Press 2001 ISBN:0313317682
講演・口頭発表等 (4件):
Water Quality Management of Lakes and Lake Basins
(III International Experts’ Meeting, CIAMA, Zaragoza, Spain 2009)
Prospects for Environmentally- Induced Migration in Northeast Asia
(2009 Annual Conference of the ASEM Education Hub Thematic Network on Human Security [Migration Flows, Economic Crisis, Environmentally-Induced Migration and Human Security (Visions from Asia and Europe)], Seoul, Korea 2009)
Democracy and the End of Agricultural Water Pricing in the Republic of Korea
(International Workshop on Water Demand Management, Institute of Natural Resources and Geographical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 2009)
The Dynamics of Water Policy Reform in China
(Workshop on Water Policy, IWRM and Authoritarian Regimes, ZEF (Center for Development Research), University of Bonn, Germany 2009)
学位 (1件):
委員歴 (1件):
2010 - International Water Resources Association Secretary-General