2017 - 2018 Emotional Machines: The Technological Transformation of Intimacy in Japan
2014 - 2017 高度経済成長期における少年文化の形成-プラモデル製作ブームを中心に
2005 - 2010 日本のロボット文化の形成に関する文化人類学的研究
2004 - 2005 Living through Characters: fetishism or identity formation in contemporary consumer culture in Japan
論文 (9件):
Hirofumi Katsuno, Daniel White. The Japanese Pursuit of Human-Robot Companionship. Current History. 2023. 122. 847. 308-313
Daniel White, Hirofumi Katsuno. Modelling emotion, perfecting heart: disassembling technologies of affect with an android bodhisattva in Japan. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 2023. 29. 1. 103-123
Daniel White, Hirofumi Katsuno. Artificial emotional intelligence beyond East and West. Internet Policy Review. 2022. 11. 1
Daniel White, Hirofumi Katsuno. TOWARD AN AFFECTIVE SENSE OF LIFE: Artificial Intelligence, Animacy, and Amusement at a Robot Pet Memorial Service in Japan. Cultural Anthropology. 2021. 36. 2. 225-251
To Touch a Headless Cat: The Rise of Haptic Creatures in Japanese Robot Culture.
(East Asian Seminar Series, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge. 2022)