Junsei Taira, Ryuji Tsuda, Chika Miyagi-Shiohira, Hirofumi Noguchi, Takayuki Ogi. Cytoprotective Effect of Pteryxin on Insulinoma MIN6 Cells Due to Antioxidant Enzymes Expression via Nrf2/ARE Activation. Antioxidants. 2023. 12. 3. 693-693
Junsei TAIRA. Defensive secretory compounds emitted from the migrative millipede. Journal of Japan Association on Odor Environment. 2021. 52. 5. 275-281
Junsei Taira, Miki Tamashiro, Kaori Naka, Sahori Gakiya, Kazuyo Taira. Initial defensive secretory compounds emitted from the live millipede and the induction of apoptotic cell death. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 1. 8222