J-GLOBAL ID:201001026170659951   更新日: 2023年11月08日

エドワーズ, スーザン

エドワーズ,スーザン マリー スーザン | EDWARDS, Susan
職名: 講師
研究キーワード (3件): writing centres ,  critical thinking ,  Academic reading and writing
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2013 - 2016 Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development
論文 (6件):
  • Kazuto Oshio and Susan Edwards. Transnational Histories of 19th Century Australian and American Landscape Paintings (1): John Glover and Thomas Cole. Bulletin of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Sophia University. 2019. 53. 2018. 75-110
  • 宮嶋万里子, Edwards Susan. リーディングとライティングの授業の橋渡し役としてのリーディング・リアクション・ジャーナル. 清泉女子大学人文科学研究所紀要. 2009. 30. 105-118
  • Enochs Ken, EDWARDS SUSAN MARY, Gillespie Sandra. Heeding the Calls for Accountability in Writing. 語学研究. 2006. 21. 17-31
  • EDWARDS SUSAN MARY, Barry Natusch. Language Learning Strategies in Non-Formal and Informal Technology-Enhanced Contexts. 研究紀要. 2005. 48
  • EDWARDS SUSAN MARY, Mariko Miyajima. Individual Support in Tertiary Academic Settings. 語学研究. 2004. 19. 33-49
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
  • Collaboration Between Instructors, Writing Tutors, and Trainer for Academic Writing Enhancement
    (JACET 43rd Summer Seminar 2016)
  • Collaboration between Reading classes and Writing classes through the use of Reading Reaction Journals
    (Seisen University Research Institute for Cultural Science Academic Seminar 2008)
  • Tutorials in Academic EFL Settings
    (AILA 14th World Congress 2005)
  • An Eclectic Approach to Tutorials
    (JACET 43rd Annual Convention 2004)
  • Revisiting Learning Strategies with ICT
    (JALTCALL 2004 Conference 2004)
学位 (2件):
  • 学士 (ダラム大学)
  • 修士(教育) (ブリストル大学)
所属学会 (2件):
International Writing Centers Association ,  Japanese Association of Language Teachers
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