J-GLOBAL ID:201001026170659951
更新日: 2023年11月08日
エドワーズ, スーザン
エドワーズ,スーザン マリー スーザン | EDWARDS, Susan
研究キーワード (3件):
writing centres
, critical thinking
, Academic reading and writing
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
- 2013 - 2016 Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development
論文 (6件):
Kazuto Oshio and Susan Edwards. Transnational Histories of 19th Century Australian and American Landscape Paintings (1): John Glover and Thomas Cole. Bulletin of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Sophia University. 2019. 53. 2018. 75-110
宮嶋万里子, Edwards Susan. リーディングとライティングの授業の橋渡し役としてのリーディング・リアクション・ジャーナル. 清泉女子大学人文科学研究所紀要. 2009. 30. 105-118
Enochs Ken, EDWARDS SUSAN MARY, Gillespie Sandra. Heeding the Calls for Accountability in Writing. 語学研究. 2006. 21. 17-31
EDWARDS SUSAN MARY, Barry Natusch. Language Learning Strategies in Non-Formal and Informal Technology-Enhanced Contexts. 研究紀要. 2005. 48
EDWARDS SUSAN MARY, Mariko Miyajima. Individual Support in Tertiary Academic Settings. 語学研究. 2004. 19. 33-49
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
Collaboration Between Instructors, Writing Tutors, and Trainer for Academic Writing Enhancement
(JACET 43rd Summer Seminar 2016)
Collaboration between Reading classes and Writing classes through the use of Reading Reaction Journals
(Seisen University Research Institute for Cultural Science Academic Seminar 2008)
Tutorials in Academic EFL Settings
(AILA 14th World Congress 2005)
An Eclectic Approach to Tutorials
(JACET 43rd Annual Convention 2004)
Revisiting Learning Strategies with ICT
(JALTCALL 2004 Conference 2004)
学位 (2件):
- 学士 (ダラム大学)
- 修士(教育) (ブリストル大学)
所属学会 (2件):
International Writing Centers Association
, Japanese Association of Language Teachers