J-GLOBAL ID:201001026755207037
更新日: 2023年08月27日
内田 直樹
ウチダ ナオキ | Uchida Naoki
研究分野 (1件):
MISC (23件):
Ryohei Matsumoto, Kanna Sugiura, Naoki Uchida, Wakako Umene-Nakano, Mariko Setsuie, Kumi Uehara, Norman Sartorius. Japan Young Psychiatrists Organization (JYPO) welcomes participants from overseas to the Course for Academic Development of Psychiatrists (CADP). Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2009. 2. 4. 154-155
Ryohei Matsumoto, Kanna Sugiura, Naoki Uchida, Wakako Umene-Nakano, Mariko Setsuie, Kumi Uehara, Norman Sartorius. Japan Young Psychiatrists Organization (JYPO) welcomes participants from overseas to the Course for Academic Development of Psychiatrists (CADP). Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2009. 2. 4. 154-155
Masaru Tateno, Naoki Uchida, Saya Kikuchi, Ryosaku Kawada, Seiju Kobayashi, Wakako Nakano, Ryuji Sasaki, Keisuke Shibata, Tomohiro Shirasaka, Muneyuki Suzuki, et al. The practice of child and adolescent psychiatry: A survey of early-career psychiatrists in Japan. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2009. 3. 30
Masaru Tateno, Naoki Uchida, Saya Kikuchi, Ryosaku Kawada, Seiju Kobayashi, Wakako Nakano, Ryuji Sasaki, Keisuke Shibata, Tomohiro Shirasaka, Muneyuki Suzuki, et al. The practice of child and adolescent psychiatry: A survey of early-career psychiatrists in Japan. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2009. 3. 30
Naoki Uchida, Nobuaki Egashira, Katsunori Iwasaki, Ayumi Ishibashi, Ryosuke Tashiro, Ai Nogami, Naomi Manome, Moe Abe, Kotaro Takasaki, Kenichi Mishima, et al. Yokukansan Inhibits Social Isolation-Induced Agression and Methamphetamine-Induced Hyperlocomotion in Rodents. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2009. 32, 372-375
書籍 (1件):
医学書院 2005
講演・口頭発表等 (16件):
(第24回日本老年精神医学会 2009)
Yokukansan supress methamphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion in mice
(9th Word Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2009)
Yokukansan supress methamphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion in mice
(9th Word Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2009)
Effect of Yokukansan on serotonergic system
(14th WCP 2008)
Salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in depressive patients
(14th WCP 2008)
学位 (1件):
経歴 (1件):
福岡大学 大学病院 福岡大学病院(全) 講師
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