Kazuki Sugawara, Masayoshi Hatayama, Zhenyi Zhang, Xuan Zhao, Chihiro Inoue. Evaluation of Cs uptake and accmulation by vegetables and sunflower, 137Cs-accumulator, in agar and hydroponic system. EPPH2012. 2012
Masayoshi Hatayama. Arsenic efflux and its role in As tolerance in As-hyperaccumulators. Bioenergetics. 2012. 2. 1
Kazuki Sugawara, Masayoshi Hatayama, Zhenyi Zhang, Xuan Zhao, Chihiro Inoue. Evaluation of Cs uptake and accmulation by vegetables and sunflower, 137Cs-accumulator, in agar and hydroponic system. EPPH2012. 2012
Masayoshi Hatayama. Arsenic efflux and its role in As tolerance in As-hyperaccumulators. Bioenergetics. 2012. 2. 1