J-GLOBAL ID:201001051495708570   更新日: 2022年12月27日

Rackham w David

W ラッカム デービッド | Rackham w David
MISC (6件):
  • RACKHAM, David W, Hattori, S. Educating for a more peaceful and harmonious world: Several psychological perspectives. Educational Studies. 2006. 48. 99-117
  • RACKHAM, David W, Hattori, S. Educating for a more peaceful and harmonious world: Several psychological perspectives. Educational Studies. 2006. 48. 99-117
  • RACKHAM, David W. "Reflections on peace, security, and kyosei (conviviality) from several psychological perspectives. ". "In Y. Murakami, N. Kawamura, & S. Chiba (Eds.), Toward a peaceable future: Redefining peace, security, and kyosei from a multidisciplinary perspective". 2005. 27-40
  • RACKHAM, David W. "Reflections on peace, security, and kyosei (conviviality) from several psychological perspectives. ". "In Y. Murakami, N. Kawamura, & S. Chiba (Eds.), Toward a peaceable future: Redefining peace, security, and kyosei from a multidisciplinary perspective". 2005. 27-40
  • RACKHAM, David W, Hattori, S. Behavioural and psychological considerations in the planning and design of a university campus. Educational Studies. 2004. 46. 77-96
書籍 (2件):
  • How to write psychology in English: A concise handbook (In Japanese)
    Saiensu Company. Tokyo 2004
  • How to write psychology in English: A concise handbook (In Japanese)
    Saiensu Company. Tokyo 2004
講演・口頭発表等 (12件):
  • "Christianity and Education: Past, Present, and Future"
    ("Special lecture for Toyo Eiwa Graduate School, Continuing Education," 2008)
  • "Christianity and Education: Past, Present, and Future"
  • "The Christmas Gift of Peace, Christmas Message"
  • From Canada to Japan: Educational Links Past and Present (The Canadian Methodist Mission to Japan in the 19th and 20th Centuries)
    ("Special lecture for Toyo Eiwa Graduate School, Continuing Education " 2007)
  • "The Christmas Gift of Peace, Christmas Message"
経歴 (1件):
  • 国際基督教大学 教養学部 アーツ・サイエンス学科 心理学メジャー 教授
所属学会 (10件):
1984-present" ,  The United Church of Canada ? Division of World Outreach ,  "Overseas Personnel ,  The American Psychological Association (Division One ? Society for General Psychology) ,  American Psychological Association ,  1984-present" ,  The United Church of Canada ? Division of World Outreach ,  "Overseas Personnel ,  The American Psychological Association (Division One ? Society for General Psychology) ,  American Psychological Association
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