Akihiro Morinaga, Takahiro Ogawa, Kakeru Iwanaga, Yoichi Shimomoto, Ikuo Yamamoto. Development of Motion Reduction Device for Ship Using Underactuated Parallel Link Mechanism. Sensors and Materials. 2021. 33. 3. 897-897
Yoichi Shimomoto, Kenta Ikeda, Hiromitsu Ogawa, Yuri Nakatsu, Ikuo Yamamoto. Detection of Slug Flow Generated in Horizontal Pipeline. Sensors and Materials. 2021. 33. 3. 947-947
Katutoshi Kodama, Akihiro Morinaga, Yoichi Shimomoto, Ikuo Yamamoto, Hiroshi Matuda. Vibration Damping Control for Mobile Scaffolding Device Based on Skyhook Damper Theory. Sensors and Materials. 2021. 33. 3. 959-959