Uzama, A. A Critique of lifetime employment in Japan (shushinkoyou). Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Journal. 2008. 24. 3. 71-86
講演・口頭発表等 (5件):
Marketing Japan’s travel and tourism industry to international tourists
(Canada Association of Japanese Studies 2008 at University of Waterloo, Waterloo Canada 2008)
Sex Tourism: My match through Blue Heaven-a conceptual view
(Annual Conference of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu Japan 2008)
Facts, modes & methods of entering the Japanese market
(ritish Association of Japanese Studies (BAJS) 2007 at University of East Anglican, UK 2007)
Measures for Increasing the Number of Tourists Visiting Japan
(Presented at the 3rd. International Forum on Northeast Asian Tourism in Niigata, Japan. (IFNAT 2006) 2006)
Global market entry: An evaluation of foreign MNCs entering the Japanese market
(Delivered at the inaugural conference of the Japanese studies association in Southeast Asia, National University of Singapore 2006)
経歴 (1件):
Tatiana Marketing Research Co., Ltd.
委員歴 (2件):
Chartered Institute of Marketing Member
British Association of Japanese Studies Member
所属学会 (3件):
American Marketing Association
, Chartered Institute of Marketing
, British Association of Japanese Studies