J-GLOBAL ID:201001099240283102   更新日: 2022年09月10日

Joseph Essertier

エサテイエ ジヨセフ | Essertier Joseph
職名: 准教授
研究分野 (1件): 日本文学
論文 (32件):
  • Joseph Essertier. Dangerously Convenient: Suppressing Esperanto and the Latin Script in China and Japan during the 1920s and 1930s. New Directions. 2021. 39. 20-57
  • Joseph Essertier. Revising a Constitution Through a State of Exception: Post-Fukushima Japan. ワールド・ビヨンド・ウォー. 2021
  • Joseph Essertier. Lessons from the “Candlelight Revolution” and South Korea’s Plaza Democracy. Zoom In Korea. 2018
  • Joseph Essertier. Brutal Billionaires’ Big Border Bucks. CounterPunch. 2018
  • Joseph Essertier. Americans Can Learn From Korean “Plaza Democracy”. CounterPunch. 2018
MISC (6件):
  • 前泊博盛. Okinawa Demands Democracy: The Heavy Hand of Japanese and American Rule. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2020. 18. 16
  • 辛淑玉. The Recent Merging of Anti-Okinawa and Anti-Korean Hate in the Japanese Mass Media. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2019. 17. 2
  • Ishibashi Gaku, Narusawa Muneo. Two Faces of the Hate Korean Campaign in Japan. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2017. 15. 24
  • 佐藤大. I Learned about the Wretchedness of War: Women Settlers' "Sexual Entertainment" of Soviet Red Army Troops in Postwar Manchuria. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2017. 15. 18
  • 早川タダノリ. The Story of the Nation: "Japan Is Great". The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2017. 15. 6
講演・口頭発表等 (2件):
  • 秀一の夢見た世界
    (秀一の生きた時代 2017)
  • Inclusive Design in Esperanto and Romanization Movements in 1930s Japan
    (15th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS2017) 2017)
Works (2件):
  • What Washington Does to Chinese
    2021 -
  • ダビデ対ゴリアテ:南京虐殺否定に抗する
    2014 -
委員歴 (2件):
  • 2021/10/14 - 現在 The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Editorial Board
  • 2021/10/14 - 現在 The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus 編集委員会
所属学会 (2件):
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus ,  日本比較文学会
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