Ryo Tamura, Kiyokuni Nakamura, Taichi Hirotani, Yoshitomo Yasui, Hideaki Okajima. Differences in isolated bacteria between perforated and non-perforated appendicitis: an analysis of 680 consecutive appendicectomies in a single institution. Pediatric Surgery International. 2022. 38. 12. 1887-1893
Tsuyoshi Kuwahara, Yoshitomo Yasui, Hisayoshi Yoshizaki, Mari Morikawa, Miyuki Kohno & Hideaki Okajima. Recipient colon preoperative treatment with type I collagenase and fibronectin promotes the growth of transplanted enteric neural crest cells into Auerbach’s plexus. Pediatric Surgery International. 2022. 38. 12. 1793-1798