Satoshi Awata, Tetsuya Tsuruta, Shin-ichiro Abe, Toshihiko Yonezawa, Kei’ichiro Iguchi. Does construction in the spawning ground improve the riverbed conditions making it suitable for spawning of the Ryukyu-ayu Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis?. Ichthyological Research. 2020
Takaharu Natsumeda, Hiroyuki Sakano, Tetsuya Tsuruta, Kayoko Kameda, Kei’ichiro Iguchi. Immigration of the common cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo hanedae into inland areas of the northern part of Nagano Prefecture, eastern Japan, inferred from stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur. Fisheries Science. 2015. 81. 1. 131-137
Natsumeda Takaharu, Tsuruta Tetsuya, Takeshima Hirohiko, Awata Satoshi, Iguchi Kei'ichiro. Variation in morphological characteristics of Japanese fluvial sculpin related to different environmental conditions in a single river system in eastern Japan. ECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH. 2014. 23. 2. 114-120