J-GLOBAL ID:201101053090196335
更新日: 2024年12月18日
井上 貴至
イノウエ タカシ | Inoue Takasi
MISC (34件):
T Hamaki, M Kami, Y Kanda, K Yuji, Y Inamoto, Y Kishi, K Nakai, Nakayama, I, N Murashige, Y Abe, et al. Reduced-intensity stem-cell transplantation for adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a retrospective study of 33 patients. BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION. 2005. 35. 6. 549-556
H Sakabe, M Bamba, K Nomura, S Kitamura, H Segawa, H Yasui, T Inoue, M Taniwaki, Y Fujiyama, T Bamba. MALT lymphoma at the base of the tongue developing without any background of immunodeficiency or autoimmune disease. LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA. 2003. 44. 5. 875-878
S Haraguchi, S Kitajima, A Takagi, H Takeda, T Inoue, Y Saga. Transcriptional regulation of Mesp1 and Mesp2 genes: differential usage of enhancers during development. MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT. 2001. 108. 1-2. 59-69
Trisomy 10 as the sole abnormality in biphenotypic leukemia. Leukemia and Lymphoma. 2000. 39. 405-409
Trisomy 10 as the sole abnormality in biphenotypic leukemia. Leukemia and Lymphoma. 2000. 39. 405-409
書籍 (2件):
Non-NMDA receptor stimulation of mouse hippocampus induces hypertrophic changes of dentate granular cell layer
The Hippocampus: Functions and Clinical Relevance 1996
Non-NMDA receptor stimulation of mouse hippocampus induces hypertrophic changes of dentate granular cell layer
The Hippocampus: Functions and Clinical Relevance 1996
経歴 (1件):
滋賀医科大学 医学部 医学科 滋賀医科大学 医学部 医学科 学外非常勤講師
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