- 2024 - 現在 JST創発的研究支援事業「後藤パネル」 創発アドバイザ
- 2020/06 - 現在 JST戦略的研究創造研究事業ACT-X「AI活用で挑む学問の革新と創成」 領域アドバイザー
- 2020 - 現在 日本学術会議 連携会員
- 2020 - 2022 情報処理学会 理事
- 2019 - 2020 稲盛財団 第36回(2020)京都賞 先端技術部門(情報科学)専門委員会 委員
- 2018 - DCC18 (Design Computing and Cognition) Program Board
- 2010 - 2017 JST戦略的研究創造研究事業さきがけ「情報環境と人」 領域アドバイザー
- 2016 - JST戦略的研究創造研究事業ACT-I「情報と未来」 領域アドバイザー
- 2011/02 - 2015/02 文部科学省 科学技術・学術審議会 委員
- 2014 - ICSE2014 (International Conference on Software Engineering) Program Board
- 2014 - JST戦略的研究創造研究事業さきがけ「社会と調和した情報基盤技術の構築」 領域アドバイザー
- 2013 - ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013 Posters Program Committee
- 2013 - Evaluation Methods for Creativity Support Environments Workshop (CHI2013 Workshop) Program Committee
- 2013 - IS-EUD2013 (Symposium on End-User Development) Program Committee
- 2013 - ICSE2013 (International Conference on Software Engineering) Doctoral Symposium Program Committee
- 2012 - 情報処理学会 インタラクション2012 プログラム委員
- 2012 - DCC12 (Design Computing and Cognition) Program Committee
- 2008/07 - 2010/06 人工知能学会 理事
- 2010 - DCC2010 (Design Computing and Cognition) Vice Chair
- 2010 - FSE2010 (Foundations of Software Engineering) Program Committee
- 2008 - DCC08 (Design Computing and Cognition) Vice Chair
- 2008 - ICSE2008 (International Conference on Software Engineering) Program Committee
- 2008 - CHI2008 (the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems) Papers Associate Chair
- 2007 - C&T (Communities and Technologies) 2007 Program Committee
- 2007 - ICSE2007 Program Committee
- 2007 - CHI2007 (the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems) Mentoring Cochair
- 2007 - ACM Creativity and Cognition 2007 Program Committee
- 2007 - ICGSE2007 (International Conference on Global Software Engineering) Program Committee
- 2007 - FSE2007 (Foundations of Software Engineering) Program Committee
- 2007 - Tabletop2007 Program Committee
- 2007 - Group2007 Program Committee
- 2006 - FSE2006 (Foundations of Software Engineering) Program Committee
- 2006 - CHI2006 (the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems) Paper Associate Chair
- 2002 - 2005 ヒューマンインタフェース学会 理事
- 2005 - 情報処理学会 インタラクション2005 実行委員長
- 2005 - 情報処理学会ヒューマンインタフェース研究会 主査
- 2005 - ICSE2005 (International Conference on Software Engineering), St. Louis, MO, USA Doctoral Symposium CoChair
- 2005 - CHI2005 (the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems) Paper Associate Chair
- 2005 - CHI2005 (the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems) Mentoring CoChair
- 2005 - Community and Technology (C&T2005) Program Committee
- 2005 - ACM Hypertext2005 Spatial Hypertext Theme Chair
- 2005 - ACM Group2005 Program Committee
- 2004 - Journal of the International Journal for Human-Computer Studies, Special issue on HCI Research in Japan Guest Editor
- 2004 - Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems Journal, Special issue on Early Stages of Design Guest Editor
- 2004 - ICSE2004 (International Conference on Software Engineering), Edinburgh, UK. Program Committee
- 2003 - ヒューマンインタフェース学会 会誌委員会委員長
- 2003 - CHI2003 (the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems), Fort Lauderdale, FL., USA. Workshop Co-Chair
- 2002 - FSE2002 (Tenth International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering) San Diego, CA., USA Program Committee
- 2002 - CHI2002 (the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems), Minneapolis, MN., USA. Tutorial Co-Chair
- 2002 - 情報処理学会論文誌編集委員会アプリケーション分野 主査
- 2001 - Workshop on Tools, Conceptual Frameworks, and Empirical Studies for Early Stages of Design, CHI2001, Seattle, WA., USA Organizer
- 2001 - CHI2001 (the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems), Seattle, WA, USA. International Liaison
- 2001 - the IFIP TC13.4 Conference on INTERACT2001, Tokyo, Japan Doctoral Consortium Chair
- 2001 - 情報処理学会論文誌編集委員会アプリケーション分野 副査
- 2000 - 情報処理学会インタラクション2000 プログラム副委員長
- 2000 - ICSE2000 (International Conference on Software Engineering), Ireland. Paper Committee
- 2000 - AI in Design Conference 2000, July, Boston, MA. Advisory Board
- 2000 - 情報処理学会 論文誌編集委員
- 2000 - Sakigake Workshop on Collective Creativity: Cognitive Processes, Computational Support, and Creative Artifact, Nara, Japan Organizer
- 1999 - International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'99), Los Angeles, CA. Paper Committee
- 1998 - Sakigake Workshop on Workshop on Collective Creativity in Design through Concept Externalization Organizer
- 1998 - the Conference on Multimedia User Interfaces'98, September, Stuttgart, Germany. Paper Committee
- 1998 - Interaction'98, IPSJ, March, Tokyo, Japan. Program Committee
- 1998 - Emergence in Design Workshop, July, Lisbon, Portugal. Advisory Board
- 1998 - International Software Process Workshop, June, Chicago, IL. Program Committee
- 1998 - Software Symposium'98, June, Osaka, Japan. Program Committee
- 1998 - ISFST'98 (International Symposium on Future Software Technology), Changsha, China Program Chair
- 1997 - AI in Design98, Lisbon, Portugal Advisory Board
- 1997 - ICSE98 (International Conference on Software Engineering) Kyoto, Japan Doctoral Symposium Program Committee
- 1997 - ICSE98 (International Conference on Software Engineering) Kyoto, Japan Paper Committee
- 1997 - Asian-Pacific Computer-Human Interaction (APCHI'98) Kanagwa, Japan.. Technical Committee (International Liaison)
- 1997 - ICSE'99 (International Conference on Software Engineering), Los Angeles, CA. Paper Committee
- 1996 - CHI97 (Human Factors and Computing Systems), Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Associate Paper Chair
- 1995 - Workshop in Knowledge-Based Support User Interface Design, CHI'95, Denver, Colorado Organizer
- 1994 - Tools for Design, CHI'94, Boston, MA Discussant
- 1994 - CHI95 (Human Factors and Computing Systems), Denver, CO Associate Paper Chair
- 1993 - Workshop in Cross-Cultural Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction, INTERCHI'93, Amsterdam, Netherlands Organizer