J-GLOBAL ID:201101082948705080   更新日: 2024年04月13日

安田 貴徳

Yasuda Takanori
職名: 准教授
研究分野 (1件): 応用数学、統計数学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
  • 2020 - 2023 最適化理論を用いた耐量子暗号の安全性解析と開発
  • 2017 - 2020 耐量子暗号への非可換構造の応用と解析
  • 2013 - 2018 ペアリング暗号の大規模解読実験による安全性解析
  • 2012 - 2015 非可換構造を用いた多変数多項式公開鍵暗号の設計と解析
論文 (27件):
  • Yuntao Wang, Yasuhiko Ikematsu, Takanori Yasuda. Lattice-Based Public Key Cryptosystems Invoking Linear Mapping Mask. Provable and Practical Security. 2022. 88-104
  • Security Analysis on an ElGamal-Like Multivariate Encryption Scheme Based on Isomorphism of Polynomials. Springer LNSC (Inscrypt 2021). 2021. 13007. 235-250
  • Multivariate Encryption Schemes Based on Polynomial Equations over Real Numbers. Springer LNSC (PQC 2020). 2020. 12100. 402-421
  • Hiroaki Anada, TakanoriYasuda, Junpei Kawamoto, Jian Weng, Kouichi Sakurai. RSA public keys with inside structure: Proofs of key generation and identities for web-of-trust. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 2019. 45. 10-19
  • Multivariate Encryption Schemes Based on the Constrained MQ Problem. Springer LNSC (ProvSec 2018). 2018. 11192. 129-146
MISC (1件):
  • Takanori Yasuda, Xavier Dahan, Yun-Ju Huang, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Kouichi Sakurai. MQ Challenge: Hardness Evaluation of Solving Multivariate Quadratic Problems. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 2015. 2015. 275
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(数理学) (九州大学大学院数理学府)
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