Enzo Piponnier, Masaki Ishikawa, Yoko Kunimasa, Kanae Sano, Kévin Jagot, Nathalie Boisseau, Toshiyuki Kurihara, Vincent Martin. Quantification of Extramyocellular Lipids and Intramuscular Fat from Muscle Echo Intensity in Lower Limb Muscles: A Comparison of Four Ultrasound Devices against Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Sensors. 2023. 23. 11. 5282-5282
Yoko Kunimasa, Kanae Sano, Caroline Nicol, Joëlle Barthèlemy, Masaki Ishikawa. Is the muscle-tendon architecture of non-athletic Kenyans different from that of Japanese and French males?. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2023. 42. 1
Yoko Kunimasa, Kanae Sano, Toshiaki Oda, Caroline Nicol, Paavo V. Komi, Masaki Ishikawa. Muscle-tendon architecture in Kenyans and Japanese: Potential role of genetic endowment in the success of elite Kenyan endurance runners. Acta Physiologica. 2022. 235. 2
Mechanics of Assisted Sprint Running.
(1080 Summit 2021 2021)
Lower complexity of motor primitives ensures robust control of high-speed human locomotion.
(25th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, 2021)
Effect of wearing lower-body compression garments during prolonged running on substrate oxidation and running kinematics
(Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2020)
Neural inhibition versus damage effects: how can they be distinguished?
(24th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 2019)
2014 - Asian Pacific Conference on Coaching Science Young Coaching Scientist Award Mechanical properties of triceps surae muscle-tendon unit in Kenyan and Japanese distance runners.
2013 - 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Young investigators award Specific muscle-tendon architecture in elite Kenyan distance runners
2011 - 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Young investigators award Relationship between nerve conduction velocity and size of ulnar nerve in humans.
2010 - 15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Young investigators award Effects of isometric training for flexor forearm on muscle and tendon properties
2008 - 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Young investigators award Muscle fascicle stretch velocity in relation to stretch reflex activation at different contraction levels in human triceps surae
2006 - 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Young investigators award Neural factors accounting for the acute adaptation to repeated damaging stretch-shortening cycle exercise
2004 - 9th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Young investigators award restretch and concentric phase intensities influence the fascicle and tendinous tissue interaction during stretch-shortening cycle exercise
所属学会 (8件):
International society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology
, International society of Biomechanics
, American college of sports medicine
, European congress of sport science
, 日本トレーニング科学会
, 日本バイオメカニクス学会
, 大阪体育学会
, 日本体育学会