Takuya Terahara, Kenji Takizawa, Reha Avsar, Tayfun E. Tezduyar. T-splines computational membrane-cable structural mechanics with continuity and smoothness: II. Spacecraft parachutes. Computational Mechanics. 2023. 71. 4. 677-686
Takuya Terahara, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar. T-splines computational membrane-cable structural mechanics with continuity and smoothness: I. Method and implementation. Computational Mechanics. 2023. 71. 4. 657-675
Yasutoshi Taniguchi, Kenji Takizawa, Yuto Otoguro, Tayfun E. Tezduyar. A hyperelastic extended Kirchhoff-Love shell model with out-of-plane normal stress: I. Out-of-plane deformation. Computational Mechanics. 2022
Takashi Kuraishi, Satoshi Yamasaki, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Zhaojing Xu, Ryutaro Kaneko. Space-time isogeometric analysis of car and tire aerodynamics with road contact and tire deformation and rotation. Computational Mechanics. 2022. 70. 1. 49-72
Takuya Terahara, Takashi Kuraishi, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E Tezduyar. Computational flow analysis with boundary layer and contact representation: II. Heart valve flow with leaflet contact. Journal of Mechanics. 2022. 38. 185-194
松田 大作, 玉井 佑, 廣田 恭平, 飯野 哲平, 滝沢 研二, Tayfun E. Tezduyar. ポンプ内の摩擦を考慮した紐の運動解析-Computational Analysis of Flow-Driven String Dynamics Introducing the Friction in Pump. 計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編. 2020. 25. 4p
廣田 恭平, 金井 太郎, 金子 真之, 小宮 賢士, 滝沢 研二, Tayfun E. Tezduyar, 能見 基彦, 常田 友紀, 川井 政人, 磯野 美帆. 流体機械内の紐の運動と流体滞留時間解析による異物通過予測-A Study on Fibrous-Material Passage Probability in Turbomachinery Based on Flow-Driven String Motion and Flow Residence Time. 計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編. 2018. 23. 4p
大森 正也, 倉石 孝, 滝沢 研二, Tezduyar Tayfun E. Estimation of Leakage Flow Between an Engine Cylinder and Moving Piston with the Space-Time Isogeometric Analysis. 計算工学講演会論文集 Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science. 2017. 22. 4p
内河 寛明, 寺原 拓哉, 佐々木 崇史, 滝沢 研二, Tezduyar Tayfun E. Fluid and Structure Analysis of Human Aorta : Fluid Mechanics Analysis with Space-Time Isogeometric Discretization. 計算工学講演会論文集 Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science. 2017. 22. 4p
2014/12 - Waseda Research Award (High-Impact Publication)
2014/11 - 日本機械学会計算力学部門業績賞
2013/12 - 2013 APACM Young Investigator Award
2012/11 - Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award
2012/07 - Fellow Award, Japan Association for Computational Mechanics
2012/07 - Young Investigator Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics
2007/12 - Best Computer Visualization Award, Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics and Eleventh International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science
2007/12 - 日本計算力学奨励賞
2007/05 - 第12回 計算工学講演会・ベストペーパーアワード
所属学会 (2件):
Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME
, Committee on Fluid-Structure Interaction, Applied Mechanics Division, ASME