Rethinking the conflict between prevention and preparedness: towards a sociological perspective on coexisting with dementia. Gender and Culture in Asia. 2023. 7. 11-24
The Logic of Dementia Prevention in Contemporary Japanese Society and Its Rise and Fall: An Analysis of Newspaper Article Texts since 1980s
(British Sociological Association Virtual Annual Conference 2024 2024)
病いや疾患との共生とは何か?:現代日本社会における認知症予防と備えの倫理の変遷から考える What is Coexistence with Illness and Disease: Thinking through the Changing Logic of Dementia Prevention and Preparedness in Contemporary Japanese Society
(国際シンポジウム アジアの社会におけるヘルスケアの現在ー子どもから高齢期まで Healthcare in Asian Societal Contexts: from Childhood to the Later Life 2022)