Fujisawa J, Tsugaki M, Yamashita T, Yashima T. Hamilton cycles passing through a matching in a bipartite graph with high degree sum. Discrete Mathematics. 2024. 347. 1
Aldred R.E.L, Fujisawa J. Removal of subgraphs and perfect matchings in graphs on surfaces. Journal of Graph Theory. 2023. 102. 2. 304-321
Enomoto H, Fujisawa J, Matsumoto N. Game chromatic number of strong product graphs. Discrete Mathematics. 2023. 346. 1
Chiba S, Fujisawa J. Induced Nets and Hamiltonicity of Claw-Free Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics. 2021. 37. 3. 663-690
Aldred R.E.L, Fujisawa J, Saito A. Distance Matching Extension in Cubic Bipartite Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics. 2021. 37. 5. 1793-1806
Recent progress on distance matching extension in graphs on surfaces
(The 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023) 2023)
Removal of subgraphs and perfect matchings in graphs on surfaces
(2023 Montreal Graph Theory Workshop 2023)