Narimasa Yokoyama, Nobukazu Azuma, Woonho Kim. The impact of e-retail usage on relative retail patronage formation. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 2023. 51. 13. 16-32
Narimasa Yokoyama, Nobukazu Azuma, Woonho Kim. Moderating effect of customer's retail format perception on customer satisfaction formation: An empirical study of mini-supermarkets in an urban retail market setting. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 2022. 102935-102935
Nobukazu Azuma, Narimasa Yokoyama, Woonho Kim. Application of Process-tracing Method toward the Theorisation of Retail Business Model. American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) 2021 Conference Proceedings. 2021
Nobukazu Azuma, Narimasa Yokoyama, Woonho Kim. A Mixed-method Study on the Determinants of Different Levels of Customer Satisfaction with a 'Mini Supermarket' Multiple in a Spatially Small Urban Market Setting : A Concurrent Approach with fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) and Multi-variate Regression Analysis (MRA). 青山経営論集. 2020. 54. 4. 1-35
2021/07 - Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR) Runner up for the Best Paper Award Revisiting the Big Middle: An fs-QCA Approach from a Specialist Retailer Perspective
2019/10 - 日本マーケティング学会 日本マーケティング本大賞2019 大賞
2018 - 法政大学 教育開発支援機構 学生が選ぶベストティーチャー賞
所属学会 (8件):
American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA)
, 日本マーケティング学会
, 日本広告学会
, 日本商品学会
, 日本消費者行動研究学会
, Society of Asian Retailing and Distribution
, 組織学会
, 日本商業学会